Our core strength lies in our extensive industry experience in Product development, business management and L&D. This gives us an edge in offering knowledge consultancy, product and process recommendations and customized learning solutions.

Retail Strategies
Designing Acquisition/ Segmentation strategies that are aligned to the current dynamic environment
Liabilities management strategies for new acquisition and existing base value build up
Customer attrition management strategies
Creating customised banking as well as wealth offering for affluent customers

Enhancing Channel Productivity
Designing Sales processes and performance management structures
Designing of MIS and reports to ensure traction and delivery to objectives
Designing of effective channel KPIs and measurement metrics
Designing appropriate rewards and remuneration structures

Change Management
Designing effective change management strategies to help faster adaptation in the organisation

Customer Engagement Strategies
Designing effective customer engagement and contact models
Optimum utilization of customer intelligence to cross sell /upsell/ digital usage
Designing "Need based selling" process to address all stages of customer lifecycle
End to end conceptualisation, solutioning and implementation of CRM tool

Supervisory Effectiveness
Sales process and review mechanisms for supervisors
Designing desirable supervisory benchmarks
Structured activities to help supervisors in increasing efficiency of teams
Supervisor Training

Learning Lifecycle Management
Defining and designing learning path
Engaging Content
Delivery though LMS / classrooms / blended method
Micro learning initiatives